Pizza Etiquette
eating etiquette (how to eat...)
Pizza is served at informal meals as an appetizer or a main course.
Table manners for eating pizza served as an appetizer. As an appetizer with cocktails, a small wedge of pizza is eaten with the fingers.
Table manners for eating pizza served at a table. Large pieces of pizza served at a table require the use of a fork. If in doubt, watch the host and follow suit.
Table manners for eating pizza served at a business meal. Eat pizza with a fork if it is the main course at a business meal.
Table manners for eating pizza served at a family meal. At a family meal, eat pizza with your fingers or a fork.

Our resting utensils etiquette section covers the rules (american and continental) for resting your utensils when taking a break from eating, when you are finished eating, and when you are passing food [...]
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