Romanian Dining Etiquette

Dining etiquette for drinking. The more you drink, the more you will be offered. If you don't want to drink anymore, leave your glass more than half full.

Dining etiquette for toasts. The most common toast is no roc (good luck) or salut (to your health). Never break eye contact while making a toast, from the moment the glass leaves the table until you place it back down. There can be much toasting throughout the meal, and when it is possible, glasses should be clinked. You will be expected to make a toast in a small group at some point during the meal, especially if you have been toasted personally or are the guest of honor.

table manners

Dining etiquette for beginning to eat. Do not begin eating until the host invites you to.

Dining etiquette for utensils. The knife remains in the right hand, and the fork remains in the left. When the meal is finished, place your fork and knife parallel together vertically in the middle of the plate. If you're unsure of which utensil to use, always start from the outside and work your way in, course by course. The fork and spoon above your plate are usually for dessert.

Dining etiquette for eating bread. Bread is generally served without butter, and there is often no bread plate.

Dining etiquette for salad. Salad, when available, is served with the main course on the same plate.

Dining etiquette for your hands. Your hands are expected to be visible above the table. Rest your wrists on top of the table.

Dining etiquette for your napkin. It is always kept on the table.

Dining etiquette for passing food. Pass all dishes at the table to your left.

Dining etiquette for gravy or sauce. If there is gravy or sauce, you can generally use your bread to soak some of it up.

Dining etiquette for seating. The most honored position is at the head of the table, with the second most important guest seated at the opposite end of the table. If there is a host and hostess, one usually sits immediately to the right of the honored guest, who is seated at the opposite end of the table from the other host (women to the right of the host, and men to the right of the hostess). Men typically rise when women enter the room, and may or may not enter a room first when a woman is present.

Dining etiquette for order of service. At meals, the oldest woman or most honored guest is served first.

Dining etiquette in a restaurant. In informal restaurants, you may be required to share a table: if so, do not force conversation; act as if you are seated at a private table. Waitstaff may be summoned by making eye contact and saying "va rog".

Dining etiquette for discussing business. The business lunch or dinner, depending upon how well developed your relationship is with your Romanian colleagues, is generally not the time to make business decisions. Take your cue from your Romanian associates.

Dining etiquette in a home. Allow the more senior members of your party to enter rooms ahead of you. Do not seat yourself, the seating arrangement is predetermined. You might have to remove your shoes before entering a home.

Dining etiquette for paying the bill. Usually the one who does the inviting pays the bill, although the guest is expected to make an effort to pay. Sometimes other circumstances determine the payee (such as rank).

Dining etiquette for tipping. A 12 percent tip is usually sufficient for restaurants. Restaurants usually have the 12 percent tip already included on the bill, but it's okay to ask to make sure.

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